I’m not taking anyone’s side, I just don’t hate anyone!

There was a time in my life when I used to passionately hate a bollywood star (he who should not be named for any accidents). I used to get so angry listening to his name and I stopped going to his newly released movies and I used to get in debates and I started arguing with people who used to support him. I saw a similar pattern in me for a politician, I was in awe of this guy, I was in awe of what he stood for and then when I started seeing him taking u-turns and publicly accusing the PM of the country, I started hating him to the core and while in the process I started digging stories against him and hating him even more, only to realize one day that I’m passionately hating this guy and I’m wasting my time in doing so, I’m getting in an argument to prove a point and it is not getting constructive in anyway and then I stopped hating him and anyone around and I started learning to be unbiased, I started to practice not labeling people as ‘right’ or ‘wrong’.

Suddenly, I started to see peace within me, I realized that I can put that energy into growing myself rather than demeaning people. I still don’t go for that Bollywood star’s movie, I still don’t believe in that politician but I don’t get into an argument about both, unless asked about an opinion, I do not present one and I find peace in that. I do not passionately hate someone because its not going to make this world a better place.

Our country currently, is divided in a debated between whether our Prime minister is a good person or bad and a lot of times I find myself in a debate and people expect me to take sides, but I cannot take sides unless I do unbiased research and for that I need time, which I do not have. I am not preparing myself for a debate, there is a bigger purpose in life. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t have any problem with discussions. Discussions are good, they are mostly about what makes sense and what seems right however, debate is about who is right, which I’m not interested in it. On an evening, a topic was raised about our PM, and a friend said, “ I don’t think he works at all” but this was against the fact that he does work ad he has not taken a holiday since he joined, not even a Sunday but this fact was clouded by my friend’s feeling of hate and I had no problem with that and while I was trying to state the fact, I realized that my friends were not ready to listen and so I shut-up and we changed the topic, after a while the friend says ‘I didn’t know that you were on our PM’s side’ and I said ‘ I’m not on anyone’s side, I just don’t hate him ’ and there was silence.

When I was thinking about this later, I had a few questions in my head, Is it possible that I hate the person, not because of what he did but because of who I am? Is it possible that I don’t understand something fully but I understand hate too early? Do I constantly judge someone? Am I biased towards my own opinions? Are these answers within me or should I go outside to find them?


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Sharing and Distributing

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