I’m not taking anyone’s side, I just don’t hate anyone!
There was a time in my life when I used to passionately hate a bollywood star (he who should not be named for any accidents). I used to get so angry listening to his name and I stopped going to his newly released movies and I used to get in debates and I started arguing with people who used to support him. I saw a similar pattern in me for a politician, I was in awe of this guy, I was in awe of what he stood for and then when I started seeing him taking u-turns and publicly accusing the PM of the country, I started hating him to the core and while in the process I started digging stories against him and hating him even more, only to realize one day that I’m passionately hating this guy and I’m wasting my time in doing so, I’m getting in an argument to prove a point and it is not getting constructive in anyway and then I stopped hating him and anyone around and I started learning to be...