I love svbtle

Wow, what a platform to write my thoughts, it feels like a new book I want to write on. The best thing about this platform its clean and tidy, when a book or the paper I want to write on is clean, ideas flow through my mind very effectively. I feel like writing more and I feel like expressing more of my thoughts. This is brilliant

I can write so simply here, No formatting buttons, no side bars no navigation bar, just a space to write. So simple yet so effective! @dcurtis, this is awesome! hats off! :) :)
I am glad that this platform is made public! :)


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Will having a death line ever work?

I’m wondering this since quite sometime, will having a death line work? I’ve heard so many stories of people living more for more than 2 years even when their doctor says “ You have got 6 months max”. Is it possible that a person start... Continue →