Sharing and Distributing
I’m pondering over this thought since quite some time. I’m wondering what do I really do when I share something or gift someone something. It started with a conscious practice of gifting a particular thing to someone and observing how I feel about it. It started off as an intellectual game for me, but steadily and subtly it has come far from that and today I can sense the difference between, ‘donating’, ‘giving’, ‘giving-away’, ‘sharing’, ‘distributing’ ‘contributing’ ‘serving’, the meaning could be similar and a lot of times I used to use word ‘donating’ and ‘sharing’ or ‘distributing and 'serving’ inter-changeably but very subtly I can see the difference between them (even if there isn’t any).
Personally, for me it makes a difference when I use the word ‘serving’ instead of ‘distributing’. Sharing gives me a sense of oneness between me and the person with whom I’m sharing something. For instance, if I have to halve the piece of cake with my sister, I would say that I’m sharing a piece of cake, or if I order a large pizza between my 5 friends, I’ll always say that I shared a pizza with my friends (even if I paid for it!). I’ll not say I distributed my pizza, that sounds so wrong. Over the period of time the same happened in case of ‘meals on wheels’ I don’t even remember when distributing food became sharing food, this probably must have come from the fact that I’m using the same resources to cook my own food, I just happen to cook for more people today and this way I could connect to the word ‘sharing’ or ‘serving’ better than I could to ‘distributing’ or ‘donating’. For some reason, I feel like I am a third party, when I use the word ‘distribute’ or ‘donate’.