Why are we like this?

Well, its a very different feeling that is growing in my heart right now, its a mixture of anger and sadness. I met an amazing human being today. She is the founder of kat-katha and works in brothels with sex workers and their kids. The stories she shared were very touching. I was moved by a few. I am thinking that why would a man for his own need of physical act would want to buy a woman’s body? I guess its the same as asking why do terrorists feel the need to kill other human. I somehow feel getting shot down by a terrorist is actually better, you are done in a shot but here you might be killed daily and that too numerous times.

Why would someone want to be sex worker? Well, you are not asked you are sort of thrown into it, its like a no option thing. A girl child of an age about 10.5 yrs was supposedly to be sold for 18 lakh rupees, are you kidding me? 10.5 year old girl!! And the seller was no one but her own father. Its sad to know that fathers put their daughters in this business to earn money.

Also, besides the question ‘ why a women is made to be a sex worker?’ I am thinking why we as a society do not accept them to be a part of society? ‘ Why is it there a discrimination? Its disturbing how we talk about our rich culture, development in the country, bringing in foreign investment and then turn our faces away to such things. I personally don’t have against the developing india and things like 'swach bharat abhiyan’ but I feel cleanliness is more and internal process than external. If we can clean our hearts and accept a human as a part of society irrespective of their work, other things will be taken care of.

Its crazy that we as a society judge a human by their sex life and discriminate. I can’t see a reason why a sex worker can’t be accepted in a society. Why are they treated different and on what basis? We all are born equal with the same flesh and bones inside us. Is having sex a crime, and why is it such a crime that you looked down and treated as inferior? what is sex, it is a simple physical activity of pleasure! Whats wrong if someone has sex? Why is a person having sex judged. Why 2 people who like each other and want to marry undergo family stress where as there is no issue if you are made to sleep with a stranger in case of most of the arrange marriages? Its crazy how things work in the ‘society’. Is it not objectifying women if she is rejected in a marriage proposal because she has a dark complexion? Where has the logic gone then?

This brings me to the basic question of why do we live in the concept of society, what is society? What is it made of? Why did we make society in the first place? Wasn’t the societies point to interact with humans so that we could lead a better life? Since when has the society been an obligation for us? We make our moves keeping the view of society in the mind and it kills more dreams of ours than anything else. I do not think we need acceptance of an entity which has not understood our perspective of life and has the same set of rules for everyone. It does not make sense to take approval of the society that does not understand a human as a human and discriminates on the type of work they do!

Why can’t we empathize with another human, understand their journey and see what they have gone though? Why can’t we for a while stop discriminating and judging a human by the kind of work they do? Whats a difference between a sex worker and software developer like me? How does my profession make me a better human being? Whats the point of living a life which would be of no use to anyone except yourself?


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