Love is what we need!

Love is what we need, for all I know love takes over everything and takes care of everything, it takes care of our sadness, happiness, fears, anger, rage and many more positive and negative emotions.

Let me explain why I say this, Just now I was thinking that how in last few days I am feeling guilty for judging people around me. It has been a long practise for me to not judge anyone. However, sometimes out of anger or frustration or rage I end up judging the other human being. I start analysing the other person and come to conclusion about that being. I might be or might not be right about the other being, but it doesn’t justify me judging someone else. People do everything with a context, everything done around us is contextual and its unfair on my part to not understand the context and conclude on someone else’s action. Its unfair because I might just hurt someone or I might tarnish that persons image in mine or someone else’s head. Also, the next time when I meet that person I might act differently coz of my judgement about him/her. Also I am trying to go deep and think that all the analysis I have done is because I am not happy with some of their actions, its pure selfish to pass a judgement on someone coz I was not happy with that human being and their particular actions. For all I should understand is where they come from.

On the contrary if I just accept things as they come and not think who they are coming from, I think I will be much more peaceful coz then its the situation i’ll be upset about and not the human being. And for me its always easy to handle a situation than a human being, (wow this makes so much sense! :) )And how exactly do I change this? I think the answer here is by having love for the fellow human, by feeling compassionate about the other human being. If I somehow develop love for everyone around me, I will never hate anyone, I will never be angry at anyone, I will never judge anyone and I will learn to accept the situations as they come. Steadily I might develop more love and compassion and be more peaceful. For all I know about myself, I think I am happier when I am clam and peaceful.

This makes a lot of sense, it was just in my head in crooked form and I am happy I wrote! I will try to follow this and have more love and compassion for the fellow human! :)

May be the idea is too idealist and I will have to be at another level to follow this but I think the closer I can get the happier I will be! :)


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