There’s still hope for the good!

Chennai has been flooded even on the day I am writing (4th Dec 2015).

A lot of people without their choice are welcoming water in their homes, but there are also who welcoming guests to stay over during this crisis. God bless those people who are coming out with shelter, food, recharge top-ups and in their spirits just to help the needful.

I am very overwhelmed with the stories I have been reading over the internet of people opening their houses, people doing recharges for people who are stuck in the floods.

People offering shelter
flood help.png

Ola offering boat ride in flooded areas

ola boat.jpg

Even if we see stories of attacks in the reputed cities all over the world, this blog wants to share a story of love, compassion and help.

A human for a human makes this world a loving place! :)

P.S. -:
If you are not in Chennai, you can help by spreading this post.

• This page is a great source for those who can help with any provisions or volunteer efforts:…

This google sheet helps to find places to stay:

This map is a crowdsourced map on which areas of Chennai are flooded

Relief centres from Chennai Corporation

NDMA emergency nos and do’s and dont’s during flood

Google has activated the crisis response page for the Chennai floods


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